The Next Generation of Data Centers


Adgar Investments & Development Ltd. has established and currently operates a number of advanced data centers in several countries worldwide. These sophisticated data centers feature the most cutting-edge technology and engineering available in the field.

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Adgar Data Center provides a variety of hosting and storage solutions for information systems, business continuity systems, and backup sites. The company also supplies advanced telecommunication services and value-added services.

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BCP Solutions

Adgar facilities offer a range of comprehensive solutions, including backup sites and business continuity systems, giving businesses comprehensive solutions that enable them to continue providing their services in the event of an emergency situation

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why Adgar?

Adgar Investments & Development Ltd. has established and currently operates a number of cutting-edge data centers in several countries worldwide. These sophisticated data centers are among the most advanced in their field. The company provides a variety of hosting and storage solutions for information systems, business continuity systems, and backup sites. The company also supplies advanced telecommunication services and value-added services. Adgar offers system-based solutions that uniquely combine its activities and expertise in the real estate and capital markets with advanced technology and professional staff. This innovative model enables the company to provide each client with the ultimate customized solution, including hosting, operating, and storage services for IT systems in its facilities. The company offers a wide range of unique solutions – hosting and storage in a variety of configurations, ranging from dedicated security enclosures to public hosting areas, DRP solutions, and business continuity planning – emergency workstations, backup telecommunication systems, meeting rooms and offices, warehouses for equipment storage, and more

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