
Adgar's advanced Tier 3 facilities are located in major industrial parks. These five installations cover thousands of square meters and constantly maintain the highest levels of security.

Adgar hosting and storage facilities are among the most advanced in the world. These facilities have been designed and built in accordance with the strictest standards, as well as the most advanced engineering and technological levels. Their security and protection systems give clients complete peace of mind regarding the ongoing security and operations of their organization’s IT infrastructure. The facilities are located in major industrial parks and city centers. They provide a range of hosting and storage solutions for information systems, business continuity systems, and backup sites, while Adgar also supplies advanced telecommunication services and value-added services.


Facilities in Israel

Adgar has established and now operates three data hosting and storage facilities in Israel, which are among the leaders in their field. These facilities provide companies and business organizations with hosting and storage services suitable for computer and telecommunication systems. The company also supplies value-added services, telecommunication services, and a wide range of dedicated solutions for organizations.

Facilities in Poland

Adgar has established and now operates two data hosting and storage facilities in Poland, which are among the leaders in their field. These facilities provide companies and business organizations with hosting and storage services suitable for computer and telecommunication systems. The company also supplies value-added services, telecommunication services, and a wide range of dedicated solutions for organizations.

Facilities in Belgium

Adgar has established and now operates a data storage facility in Belgium that is among the leaders in its field. It provides companies and business organizations with hosting and storage services suitable for computer and telecommunication systems. The company also supplies value-added services, telecommunication services, and a wide range of dedicated solutions for organizations.